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Hazim Sabah Ahmied
Maryam Irfan Jreshjy


      Personal traits are the essence of a person. A person is born with Qatari preparations in himself, through which he moves from the power latent within him to saying, in addition to what he sees from the sixes about fathers.  Since birth, the political personality is shaped through the family and social upbringing that the individual is exposed to, as the personality is the process of interaction of theoretical and social data, which focused the research in the investigation to find out the affiliated sites of the personality of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan behind his political behavior


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How to Cite
Ahmied, H. S., & Jreshjy, M. I. (2023). The Impact of Personal and Political Characteristics in the Political Behavior of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Al-Kitab Journal for Human Sciences, 6(9), 91–106.