Suggestions for Improving Health Care Delivery: Al-Qalam University College Perspective
Role of community research in health care improvement
Community research, student centered education, health care delivery, Al-Qalam University College, TUCOM, Tikrit University College of Medicine, Medical education, Health profession educationAbstract
Quality improvement of health care in Iraq is an essential social standard demand now. The health care system, health care providers, and delivery of health care have confronted a series of extremely unusual difficulties during the period from 1980 to date. When the infrastructure of Ministry of Health and health care availability to Iraqi community unexpectedly started to deteriorate because of the wars (Iraqi-Iranian war wich lasted for eight years and two Gulf was), the economic sanctions imposed upon the country and the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Medical education is under reform as it has started to change from teacher-centered to student-centered education. Researchers are woring seriously to find and set a workable system to improve the medical education in Arab Countries. The medical research is important as it led to health development, breakthrough and medicine future shaping, as it provides the required information that is vital in improvement of disease diagnosis, disease prevention, community health, establishment of new treatment approaches, discovery of new drugs, and economical benefit.
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