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Safaa Younis Mal Allah
Mira Ausama Ahmed Al-Katib


The study aims to test the effect of two algae, Compsopogon caeruleus, and Pithophora roettleri, in three concentrations (2, 1, and 0.5). Hydrogel (4, 2) g/kg. The current study included vegetative growth characteristics:  The wheat germination rate plant height, root length, water content, leave area, total chlorophyll content dry weight, root and shoot total, and. was affected by fertilization treatments. And their Interference with concentrations and gel. The treatments in which each alga was used alone outperformed the Interference treatment between them in terms of the dry weight of the shoot, as it reached 1.26 and 1.27 grams for C. caeruleus and P. roettleri, respectively, while the best treatment was for weight. Root dryness of P.roettleri alga amounted to 0.19 grams. As for plant height, the best treatments were recorded with P. roettleri and C. caeruleus, respectively, as they reached 50.03 and 49.17 cm. In root length, the highest length was recorded when treated with C.caeruleus algae and reached 13.19 cm. The highest leave area was also recorded when treated with P.roettleri algae and reached 12.47 cm. The highest total and total chlorophyll content was recorded. Chlorophyll a when treated with the alga C.caeruleus reached 22.70 and 8.44 mg/g, respectively, while chlorophyll's content reached the highest percentage in the algae P.roettleri and reached 15.15 mg/g. Adding the hydrogel at a concentration of 2g/kg soil had a significant effect on the mentioned characteristics, while it was the concentration of 4 gm/kg of soil for the gel had a significant increase in the concentration of chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll an over the rest of the treatments. Laboratory results showed the effect of aqueous extracts on the wet biomass of both algae, and with the two concentrations (1, 2%), there was a significant increase in (seed germination, length of the petiole, root, and dry weight for wheat. The results of the anvil experiments indicated the presence of varying effects of aqueous extracts of wet living mass. Both the interaction between the algae and the gel, along with their concentrations, played a stimulating and moral role in some of the studied traits.


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How to Cite
Mal Allah, S. Y., & Al-Katib, M. A. A. (2024). The difference in the Physiological response of the wheat plant to the effect of algae extracts and hydrogel. Al-Kitab Journal for Pure Sciences, 8(02), 138–152.


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