Nanoplastics: A Growing Threat to Reproductive Health: “A Comprehensive Review”
Nanoplastics and health
Nanoplastics (NPs); Human exposure; Health effects; Hazards of NPs; Toxicity; Reproductive toxicity; Health effectsAbstract
Due to their widespread presence in the environment, nanoplastics (NPs) have given rise to serious worries over their possible hazardous to human health, particularly to the reproductive organs. A thorough evaluation and assessment of their toxicity to human organs and tissues is necessary in light of the increasing concern and paucity of research on their health impacts. Over 15% of couples worldwide are affected by infertility, which is a rising global trend. Among the main causes of infertility are environmental factors, But nothing is known about how NPs affect the ovaries and testes. These particles interfere with the development of reproductive system in a size-dependent way. They can come into touch with the skin, swallow food, or breathe in. This review looking at how NPs negatively affect reproductive function, as well as the different phases of germ cell development and possible pathways. We also provide an overview of the combined reproductive toxicity of NPs and related pollutants. In light of the small scope of existing research, we support a move toward novel technologies and the use of multi-omics techniques to further relevant investigations. In order to create effective preventative This research looks at shape, type of polymer, and transferred toxins. This review will cover the consequences of natural pollutant exposure on human fertility, the deleterious effects of NPs on reproductive function, the different phases of germ cell development, and possible mechanisms. This paper thoroughly investigates the genesis, degrees of environmental toxicity, and possible effects of nanoplastics on human reproductive health. Understanding the risks posed by NPs and the toxicity processes that go along with them is made possible by this review. This review seeks to promote more study into the basic features of nanoplastics, biological reactions, and the harmful consequences they elicit owing to their specific qualities by drawing attention to the problem of NP pollution.
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