Evaluation of Procalcitonin Test for Early Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis
Procalcitonin and sepsis
Procalcitonin Test, Early Diagnosis, Neonatal Sepsis, Patient, therapy, Techniques of PCT, Clinical infections.Abstract
Background: It is a precursor to calcitonin, a hormone that plays an essential role in the balance of calcium within the body. Procalcitonin, Bernard A. Ross, was first recognized in the 1970s by Leonard J. Divus. It consists of 116 amino acids which are synthesized in the thyroid gland and the lung and intestine by intermolecular cells.
Objective: To clarify the role of Procalcitonin test for early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis.
Methods: Procalcitonin is a peptide of 116 amino acids and is the precursor to calcitonin (CT) CT, a hormone that is contained in amine granules and excreted in the blood to balance calcium levels.
Results: The involvement of bacteria in your blood is bacterial sepsis or bacteremia. This may be the first symptom of a significant underlying condition, such as HIV or HIV. In the early stages of systemic bacterial infections, there is recurrent bacteremia. In systemic bacterial infection detection, the use of PCT measurements has increased. PCT has a brief half-life (25-30 hours in plasma) and an obvious absence of bacterial contamination in terms of health and specificity.
Conclusion: PCT is a more sensitive marker than blood culture, CRP count and WBS for early diagnosis of bacterial sepsis. The most efficient antibiotics used were gentamicin, tetracycline, vancomycin and ciprofloxacin. PCT administration in septic mice improved their death rate, while the survival rate of anti-PCT antibodies improved.
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