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Ali Farhan Hashoosh
Hmood Madhi Hasan



This research deals with the three types of COVID-19 vaccines (AstraZeneca vaccine, Sinopharma, and Pfizer-Biontech) in terms of manufacturing, producing companies, and the countries in which the tests were conducted, in addition to the teams that provided the researchers with these vaccines. In this research, a statistical study about the effectiveness of these vaccines is presented and the extent of their impact on the vaccinator if he was healthy or carrying some other diseases. After that, a statistical study is presented, comparing it between the types of vaccines and which one is the most used, by taking a sample from the State of Iraq, Maysan Governorate, consisting of 60 individuals who took the vaccine. a special questionnaire was used for this purpose and the results were, another questionnaire about the acceptance of the local community results were analyzed using an SPSS program. Another questionnaire about the acceptance of the local community representing Maysan Governorate to obtain the vaccine for the emerging coronavirus, COVID-19. The questionnaire was also delivered to statistical specialists before submitting the questionnaire. Important results were obtained, including the most received vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech and Sinopharm, by 40% and all those who received the vaccine were not infected after taking the vaccine.


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How to Cite
Hashoosh, A. F., & Hasan, H. M. (2024). Investigation Of The Effects Of Three COVID-19 Vaccines. Al-Kitab Journal for Pure Sciences, 9(01), 34–50.


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